Drill Cuttings Separation, DO IT with Chemicals

It is quite surprised to know the feedback that the chemicals works more than we expected. It is now well known that with proper chemicals, especially the oilly sluge, the OBM waste cuttings, can be well separated. Then the mechanical machine can just assisting the whole process to make it better way.

With oil waste, as I am sure you know, there is no “one size fits all’ but we have experienced some very effective processes in our time. Let me share a little of that experience with you by walking you through one process we have seen work very effectively in the past:drilling-waste-management-equipment-to-Africa--1

Pump the waste from your storage tank to the centrifuge input feed

Just before it enters the feed use a static inline mixer to mix the chemical with the sludge you can use a range of chemicals to aid the separation process (this could be anything from demulsifier to polymer or SAS Microemulsion products)

The mixture is then fed through the centrifuge.

The solids separate from the liquid and fall out the bottom of the centrifuge.

The liquid, which will contain oil, water and some chemical is then pumped to a settling tank.


Then as all know, before dumping the waste to the environment, solidification, thermal desorption, or biodegradation; thermal desorption is by heating, biodegradation is using germs, solidification is the most convinient and easy to be widely used. Yes, it is with chemicals, absorber, cement, other fluid chemicals are needed in this process. With proper mixing, the toxy parts are stable, then can be dumped to the environment.


The right chemical, in proper way.

Though chemicals is helping us to solve the final problem, separate the drill cuttings & fluids, have to be used properly. Like our first origin concern, it might hurt, people, and environment.


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